All Classes and Interfaces
Sender of an action, used as a bridge between console and players.
List of Action types to handle certain actions accordingly.
Set of useful action utils in AdditionsPlus.
Custom AdditionsPlus action class.
Additions Animation.
The official AdditionsPlus API class.
Custom AdditionsPlus book.
Custom AdditionsPlus Command class.
Custom AdditionsPlus events class.
Custom AdditionsPlus interval class.
Custom AdditionsPlus Item class.
Custom AdditionsPlus menu class.
Custom AdditionsPlus Name Tag class.
AdditionsPlus player manager.
The main AdditionsPlus plugin class that contains the API, all the utils and other feature handlers.
The custom AdditionsPlus sign class.
General Utils class that holds general utility methods.
Additions Animation Manager.
Base command class that holds all information about a (sub) command and its usage.
AdditionsPlus custom command manager.
Manager for custom menu setups and editing.
A custom Discord webhook.
The official GCNT Updater that links to My GCNT Plugins to check if the plugin is up-to-date.
Additional options that can be added to items.
Class that holds some useful utils for custom menus.
The message class used for processing messages from the config and sending them as chat or title messages.
Interface class for handling version based Minecraft methods.
Object that contains all information about a queued action.
Custom YAML section to handle all data retrieval from YAML files.